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Ethical issues in this bilateral project if they appear will mainly concern dealing with privacy, dignity, and equity during demonstration with end-users.

Data collected will be anonymized in order to ensure protection of privacy. The data will be stored on computer and access will be protected by password: suppression of references to name of participants, blurring of images in photos or video. Information will be provided about the objectives of data collection and of the usage that will be made (statistics, publications …). The document will provide contact information for interested volunteers and further questioning. It will be ensured that the participants are absolutely clear and all their questions are answered to their satisfaction before their involvement in the study can be confirmed. Only researchers involved in analysis of interest for the project will have access to the anonymized data.

Participant to evaluations will have to sign consents forms. They will be free to leave the study at any time they feel to. The consent forms will be revised by jurist specialized in safety regulation, labour law and labour safety laws. The consent forms will be produced in priority in the language of the participants as well as in English and as well as. In addition to following national data protection laws, safety laws and regulations EC directives and laws will be followed and as well as various machine safety directives and standards.

projekti/ubicbot/ethics.txt · Last modified: 30/05/2019 13:14 by bbojovic