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This project will provide scientific and engineering contribution for building new SME-suitable robotic technology - UbiCbot SME, highly compatible with basic requirements of the Industry 4.0 concept of modern manufacturing technology for the future. In particular, research and development activities will be guide with following challenges:

  • creation of the tailor-made robotic system which is technologically compatible with specific needs, culture and challenges of Serbian and Chinese manufacturing SMEs,
  • creation of the robotic technology able to work in highly unstructured and highly uncertain dynamical environment, i.e., the system that have inherent ability for adaptation by autonomous recognition, learning and inference,
  • highly collaborative robotic system capable to intimately collaborate with robots and humans without explicit programming, and capable to effective immerse into customized manufacturing environment,
  • cognitive abilities beyond conventional flexibility that enable human-robot interaction in cognitive layer, and based on that development of new generation of HMI technology for intuitive bidirectional communication and knowledge transfer from human workers to robotic agents, and
  • autonomous and/or supervised exploitation and enhancement of data/meaning along the industrial IT-chain, extending far beyond the workshop or production plat floor.

Such new concept of robotized manufacturing dedicated to SMEs will bring them to be more competitive (to the big industrial companies) and more adaptive to the market demands that ensure them better production efficiency and faster response to the demands. It is expected that such model can contribute to the faster inclusion of new small startup companies into the economy of Serbia and China and give better opportunities for business to young and inventive people.

projekti/ubicbot/impact.txt · Last modified: 30/05/2019 13:09 by bbojovic