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Project is consist of 6 subprojects (SP1-SP5)

The Gant chart of the project structure and its subprojects, i.e. work-packages (time duration of each column is 3 months (quarter of the year Q).

work packages Q1Q2Q3Q4Q5Q6Q7Q8Q9Q10Q11Q12
  • SP1 deals with tasks of project management. That includes planning, administrative, organization as well financing management of the project and reporting towards the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology Development of Republic Serbia.
  • SP2 deals with system analysis and conceptualization of the Industry 4.0 compatible general framework for ubiquitous and human-centric Collaborative Manufacturing Robotic System for SME suitable manufacturing, i.e., development of the UbiCbot SME-suitable robotic technology.
  • SP3 includes development of robot open control system for effective human-robot and robot-robot real-time interaction, intuitive humanmachine interface based on integration of customized CAD modeler and virtual/augmented reality technology, and dexterous, sensored multi-fingered robotic hand for bimanual robotic assembly. Various fundamental scientific and engineering R&D, which include but not limited to: i) new technology for building a light-weight robot-arm, ii) study of mathematical and computational aspects of highly redundant bimanual and multi-arm robotic structures, iii) multi-fingered grasping for dexterous manipulation, iv) 3D cognitive perception and fast processing of depth data, v) force and tactile sensing, including stiffness control in particular in kinematic redundant robotic structures, vi) development of algorithms for multimodal interface for intuitive / natural human-robot interaction, including virtual and augmented reality technology for seamless human and robot integration into virtual robotic cyberspace.
  • SP4 includes functional testing of two physical demonstration scenarios
  1. Application case #1 – SME Suitable Collaborative Bimanual Robotic Assembly System, and
  2. Application case #2 – SME Suitable Collaborative Dual-arm Robotic Arc Welding System, will be performed in laboratory conditions.
  • SP5 is dedicated to dissemination activities that presenting scientific/technological results in scientific journals, robotic-related conferences, technical fair(s), public media, etc. The specific dissemination activity regards to establishing the Joint Chinese-Serbian Center of Competences for Cyber-Physical Manufacturing Systems that embraces Ubiquitous Collaborative Robotics, Manufacturing Mechatronics and Intelligent Factory Automation.
projekti/ubicbot/struktura.txt · Last modified: 17/05/2019 16:18 by bbojovic